Chateau Thomas-Laurent

Chateau Thomas Laurent grows 13 hectares predominantly Merlot, rooted in clayey soil and sandy gravel. The property is located in Etauliers, north of the Gironde 1er Cotes de Blaye, They harvest mechanically and ferment in stainless steel tanks at a regulated temperature.


More than 35 years of successful business importing and selling wine in the UK is thanks to the commitment and professionalism of our team and the strong relationships we have with our customers and suppliers. We have been travelling the globe since 1981 dedicated to sourcing wines to service all areas of the UK wine trade: our philosophy is to work with ambitious and forward thinking producers who are committed to developing brands that will help make our customers more profitable. We have been under the helm of resident MW, Keith Isaac since 1987 and we are owned by Champagne Castelnau in Reims.